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“A deal is a deal” and, as a party to a contract, you are entitled to “get what you bargained for.” If you are not getting what you bargained for because the other party to the contract is not performing as agreed, you need to know your rights and legal options. Experience counts. The firm has more than thirty years of experience in both advising clients on their rights and remedies and representing them in the litigation that often accompanies a breach of contract. Sometimes a letter or series of letters is all that it takes to resolve the problem. Sometimes breach of contract cases result in full blown trials. Other cases may reach a resolution during the litigation process, through mediation or as the result of an arbitration. Whether in arbitration, mediation, or litigation, it is necessary to know what to expect and know the processes and procedures that should be used to bring about a most efficient and effective result.
Contact a DesJardins Breach of Contract Attorney Today!
We invite you to call one of our Southern California offices at 714-265-2100 or send us an e-mail now to schedule an appointment for a free and completely confidential consultation with an experienced Southern California Breach of Contract attorney.